Featured Story Archive

Governor Directs Statewide Mandatory Water Reductions

April 7, 2015
On March 17, 2015, the State Water Resources Control Board adopted emergency regulations to encourage water conservation statewide in response to the historic drought.  On April 1, 2015, Governor Brown issued an Executive Order on actions necessary to address California's severe drought conditions.  The Executive… Read more

Stage II Water Shortage Emergency March 2015 Update

March 17, 2015
Goleta has received only 67% of normal rainfall to date this season, putting the area on track for a fourth year of below average rainfall. Lake Cachuma water levels continue to drop, with the lake now only at 28% of capacity at the… Read more

Stage II Water Shortage Emergency January 2015 Update

January 15, 2015
While the recent rains have moistened the ground considerably, the drought conditions persist. Lake Cachuma remains at historic lows, and the Stage II Water Shortage Emergency and mandatory water use restrictions are still in effect. Saving water over the next few months is critical to delaying a Stage III Water Shortage Emergency. Looking… Read more

Stage II Water Shortage Emergency December 2014 Update

December 18, 2014
The last several years have been abnormally dry, so it’s exciting to see some of the first winter rainfall move into the region.  However, even with the recent rains Lake Cachuma is still at historic lows, and the Stage II Water Shortage Emergency and mandatory water use restrictions are still in effect.  Outdoor watering with fixed… Read more

Stage II Water Shortage Emergency November 2014 Update

November 14, 2014
Since the Stage II Water Shortage Emergency was declared on September 9, 2014 customers have responded by reducing water use system-wide by 10%, and achieved a residential per capita water use of 64 gallons per day! The Stage II restrictions primarily target outdoor water use. Properties using fixed (i.e. installed sprinkler systems) may now water only before 7 a.m. or after 7 p.m. on Wednesdays and… Read more

Goleta Water District Declares Stage II Water Shortage Emergency

October 1, 2014
On September 9, 2014 the Goleta Water District Board of Directors declared a Stage II Water Shortage Emergency and established mandatory water use restrictions necessary to cut water use by 25% district-wide.  Even with customer investment in a diverse water supply portfolio and careful management, the declaration was triggered… Read more

Temporary Denial of New Service Applications

October 1, 2014
SAFE Water Supplies Ordinance: In 1991 voters of the Goleta Water District passed the SAFE Water Supplies Ordinance, which sets forth conditions the District must meet in order to approve new or additional water connections.  New and additional water connections are typically requested for development projects such as housing, commercial, and retail projects. The Safe Ordinance prohibits the District… Read more

Drought-related Forms & Information

September 14, 2014
Application for Exception to Water Use Restrictions An exception allows a customer to be relieved of a particular regulation that would otherwise create undue hardship, and may be granted only under certain circumstances. Click here for the Application for Exception. Customers may submit an exception… Read more

Stage II Water Shortage Emergency Information

September 10, 2014
The District Board of Directors declared a Stage II Water Shortage Emergency on September 9, 2014. The District set a 25% district-wide reduction in water usage to help extend available water supplies.  The declaration is consistent with the requirements of the District’s adopted Drought Preparedness and Water Shortage Contingency Plan and statewide emergency conservation regulations recently adopted… Read more

Statewide Emergency Conservation Regulations in Effect

August 1, 2014
On March 17, 2015, the State Water Resources Control Board adopted emergency regulations to encourage water conservation statewide in response to the historic drought. On April 1, 2015, Governor Brown issued an Executive Order on actions necessary to address California's severe drought conditions. The Executive Order… Read more