Water Saving Devices Distribution Program

Water Saving Devices including hose nozzle, shower head, leak detection tablets and shower head shutoff valve.

The Goleta Water District Water Saving Devices Distribution Program distributes FREE water saving devices to customers in order to increase District-wide water savings.  Devices include garden hose nozzles with multi-stream and automatic shut-off capability, 0.5 gallon per minute bathroom faucet aerators, 1.5 gallon per minute showerheads, showerhead shut-off valves, toilet leak food coloring test tablets, and toilet flappers.

Shut-off nozzles
A shut-off nozzle provides an automatic shut-off capability and helps to save water.  Make sure you use a shut-off nozzle anytime you use your hose.  

Low-flow bathroom faucet aerators
Faucet aerators help you use less water and save money.  Aerators use air to break up the flow of water into multiple streams, so while they reduce the rate at which water flows through the device most people won’t notice a difference.  Each faucet aerator is estimated to conserve approximately 700 gallons per year.

Low-flow showerheads
These shower heads make showering more efficient by slowing the rate at which water flows through the showerhead.  A low-flow showerhead is estimated to produce a savings of 2,000 gallons per year.

Showerhead shut-off valves
These devices make it easy to turn off water in the shower without adjusting the temperature settings, letting you save water while you shampoo or shave.

Toilet leak detection tablets
Use these food grade food dye tablets to conduct a simple test at home to detect leaks that could be costing you money and wasting water.

Toilet flappers 
If you find a leak in your toilet, it could be a worn out flapper.  Even if you have a low-flow toilet, if your flapper is worn out you could be wasting water and money.

Submeters Can Save Water
The Goleta Water District now provides free submeters to qualifying customers who agree to install them.  Click here to learn more.

The District makes water saving devices available to customers at the front desk of the District office at no charge (while supplies last).  For more information please send an email to Turn on Javascript!.

Additional Resources:
  • For regional water conservation information, go to www.WaterWiseSB.org.
  • For statewide water conservation information, go to Save Our Water.
  • To read more about District water supply planning, click here.
  • Contact us by email at Turn on Javascript! or call the District at 805-964-6761.