Time for a Tune Up

Learn how to save water and money with a no cost irrigation tune up. Explore water wise garden ideas for tips on reviving and refreshing your landscaping.  

Double Check Your Irrigation Schedule and Adjust Watering to Match the Weather—Power outages can cause sprinkler timers to reset to the default factory setting, resulting in overwatering.  Replace your backup battery, and test your system periodically to make sure you aren’t overwatering.  Even if you water by hand, don’t forget to adjust your irrigation seasonally.  Visit http://WaterWiseSB.org for advice, and turn off irrigation when it rains and leave it off until the ground dries out.

Irrigation Timer Adjustment Photo

Check for Leaks and Overspray—Even small leaks can quickly add up.  State water waste restrictions prohibit the watering of sidewalks and overspray.  Learn how to fix leaks, adjust sprinklers and other ways to save water and money at http://WaterWiseSB.org/videos.wwsb.

Fix leaks and overspray

The GWD Three Easy Outdoor Conservation Tips video focuses on three common water saving tips that have been identified during Conservation Check Ups as major sources of unintended water use. These tips help customers save water and money without impacting the appearance of their landscaping. Learn how to adjust your irrigation timer, check soil moisture before you water, and use the water percent adjust feature.